Supporting Bundy
Bundy Dog Park is operated and maintained by Friends of Bundy Park, Inc., a private, non-profit corporation, in partnership with KIPP DC. Friends of Bundy Park, Inc. is comprised completely of neighborhood volunteers who donate their time and money to operate, maintain and improve the dog park and enforce its rules. Friends of Bundy Park, Inc. has contracted with ScoopSoldiers to clean and empty waste stations, and restock doggy waste bags, once a week, and to deodorize the entire dog park once a month. All costs of dog park improvements, maintenance, cleaning and supplies are funded completely through donations to Friends of Bundy Park, Inc.
How can you help?
Thank you!
How can you help?
- To volunteer your time, or to make suggestions or comments, please email Kacey (Sunny's mom) at [email protected].
- To donate money, please click on the "Donate" tab above. You can donate via Venmo (@Bundy-Dogpark) and via PayPal.
- Keep our park clean by picking up all doggy waste and place it in the dog waste stations, and place trash in the waste can on the sidewalk just outside the entrance to Bundy Dog Park. Trash should not be placed in the dog waste stations.
Thank you!